Friday, December 11, 2009


So... Thanksgiving... What can I say. I love Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is always one of my favorite holidays. I love the food, time with family, the traditions we share and the emotion. I had three dinners this year though, The day started off at My Grandma & Grandpa Forbes's house in American Fork for their Thanksgiving "Lunch" if you will, where we had food, visited and then left, then it was on to meet up with Jessica and the official meeting of her family . Her family is so sweet and I really enjoyed spending time with them and getting to know them a little better! After that it was back down to Nephi for the Annual Partridge Gathering and this one is my favorite.

Our Family has a tradition of going around the table before eating and each of us takes a moment to say what we are thankful for... kind of a personal family Testimony meeting. I hated this tradition when I was younger, being the introvert and non public speaker and all, but I have grown to appreciate it's value. Emotions ran high this year for everyone. I think we have all experienced a hardship of our own and in the last year the effects on our economy have certainly touched the lives of us all.

This was the second Thanksgiving without Grandpa Partridge... it's so weird to think he is gone... a part of me still hasn't quite accepted it. We miss him greatly. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have known him and for the blessing of having both sets of Grandparents around for 25 + years of my life. They are fantastic people and I couldn't ask for better.

I am thankful for health, a job that keeps the bills paid, the opportunity to educate myself, My family... old and new. I am thankful for good friends who each encourage me to be better and have added their own special color to my life. I am thankful for a community where there is always someone to run into who has known me all my life and has a warm smile to share when I see them.

This Thanksgiving was definitely one to remember and I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families as well. You are in my thoughts!