How cute is this baby!!! This is Ally... she is my cousin Becca's little girl. Our family had a burst of babies this year and she was the last born of six within 6 mos of each other... I just saw these pics and can't believe how big she has gotten and how much she looks like Becca! She is adorable... I just had to post these pics.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Snow has started falling... I love this time of year... the air has a certain smell in it... it's clean feeling and it's all white. I hate the roads however, and this year it is starting early... I have to drive through the Canyon every day to and from work and even though it is still quite early in the season I found myself driving 40 miles an hour the whole way down... too many head on collisions with the curb after sliding on ice I think. Anyways. I am way excited for the holiday season... can't wait to put up the Christmas tree and to sing carols with the family. Everything seems happier to me during the winter. And snuggling up in a blanket with a huge mug of hot cocoa... the best.
I think my favorite thing about the snowy season though is the memories... My favorite is when I lived in Mona with the family... All my friends and I would get together during the first snow storm of the season... preferrably at night, and we would walk all over town... talking about everything... laughing... singing our favorite carols and just being young and alive... Some of my favorite times were spent freezing with the crew... miss the old days.
These are some pics of My Cute niece Taylor and Nephew Ryan... They were sooo cute on Halloween. I didn't get to see them however because I was down with the dreaded Swine Flu but I did get to see the pics and I love them... It looks like they had a wonderful Halloween!
Well it has been a few months since I wrote on here so I suppose I will update my blog for the moment. All is going very well since the last time I wrote on here. Work is still work and I still work a million hours a week it seems but I am loving every minute of it. I love my clients and learn something new about each one of them every day. They each have their own special spirit and I am enjoying having them in my life. I have been promoted since July. I am now co management. This is the first job that I have moved up to a leadership position and while it takes up just that much more of my time, it's nice to have the say and ultimately the control of every situation. I am in charge of one of the four group homes in my area. In it I have three very special ladies whom I am very attached to. Lorraine, Haley and Ann. The job is very detail oriented and I have about a million and one things I have to get done each week but it is very fulfilling for me.
On the personal side of things, I am steadily working towards finally going through the temple at the beginning of the year... if all goes as planned I will be going through in February. I am way excited... I have always wanted to go through but a part of me has been waiting for that special someone to come along to go through with... since that doesn't seem to be happening any time in the near future... I have decided that it's every person for themselves. One day the rest will come but for now I am going to do for me... yay.
I have learned a lot in the last year or so and am excited where my life is going these days... there is always something new lying just around the bend... each new adventure adds color to my personal canvas of life... wonder what is in store for me tomorrow.
I am me... no more... no less. Just a hard working 28 year old girl trying to get by in each day of this thing called life. I have been influenced by many and hope to have left my own mark on others... This is my life... welcome to it.
Lots of love